Chickens, Ducks and Geese
We buy one day old chics that have NOT been vaccinated or treated with ANY pharmaceuticals. For the first three weeks we keep them in the barn under heat lamps with plenty of fresh water access and free choice of certified organic feed. The pen floors are covered with four inches of wood shavings (to be composted later) to give the birds a chance to be inquisitive and use their beaks. On a nice sunny day they will be moved onto green pasture inside an electric mesh fence designed for poultry. Here they can seek shelter and roost in portable hoop tents should the sun be too intense or should it rain. They have free choice of sea salt, suspended self-feeders and fresh, running water. The fences are rotated so the growing birds have access to fresh green grass every week. To keep raptors at bay we string tape from fence line to fence line. After seven to nine weeks on pasture they are beautifully plump and are gently loaded into crates and hauled all of 15 minutes to be harvested at our abattoir.