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'When Nature is left to do Her work, She performs miracles.'


Fancy Package

This fancy selection of grassfed beef will make every meal a delight. Whether it be the finest of roasts in your oven or a sausage on the grill, the experience is bound to be delicious. Ground lean and stewing meat will enrich any broth and warm the body from the inside out, tickling the taste buds along the way! A fine array of our prized steaks also help complete this package in a royal sort of way.

Soft and succulent tenderloin made your favourite way can be nothing other than a pleasurable eating experience.

The Fancy Package Contains:

The following weights and prices are approximate.

Ground lean 9lb
Stewing meat 7lb
Sausages 14lb
Primerib roast 8lb
Ribeye steaks 4lb
NY steaks 4lb
Tenderloin 4lb
Total: 50lb for $ 524.00 + shipping fee

Order our Fancy Package...

(We accept certified cheques or money-orders for payment of Pasture to Plate goods, which are sent to you frozen, from Williams Lake BC in a Styrofoam box measuring 17" x 10" X 12")

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