Biodynamic farming was spawned by the late anthroposophist, Rudolf Steiner, and has grown and developed in popularity since 1922. The term biodynamic is taken from the Greek words bios meaning life and dynamis meaning energy. Hence biodynamic farming refers to "working with the energies which create and maintain life."

Biodynamic agriculture ensures the striving for the health of the ground to provide healthy food for animal and Human. It considers that nature is degraded currently so much that it is not able any longer to cure itself and that only we as Humans can help her, via therapeutic measures, to again become what she is capable of becoming; the source of goodness.

We do not use pharmaceuticals or chemicals on our land or animals and we strive for Rafter 25 Ranch to become a self contained organism, following the biodynamic teachings of Rudolf Steiner.

Felix and Jasmin 


Some horns ready to be emptied for preperation #500.Flow form mixing horn manure (preperation #500) to be spread via irrigation systems.Energizing and cleaning a pond with flow forms.Hand stirring horn preperation into 200 litres of water.
Dominique, Nico and Benny burying freshly filled horns with manure from lactating cows with Tee and Keno watching.
