Jasmin Schellenberg
Box 88, Alexis Creek, BC ,V0L 1A0
Phone: (250) 394-4410
(250) 394-4440
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Pasture-to-Plate |
Enjoyable Horsemanship
With an upbringing involving horses, I managed to reach the stage where the question is raised: What comes after a horse is "broke"?
That which makes a horse a pleasure to ride; the satisfying feeling of harmony and trust between horse and rider.
...So, I have invested time, energy and money into becoming a better horsewoman.
For the past ten years I have been starting and educating both young and mature horses as well as teaching people to ride. Here on the ranch and surrounding areas there are many beautiful places for trail-riding and pack trips on horseback, which I have also been doing for several years.
Becoming a yoga teacher in 2002, has taught me many great teaching skills which I apply regularly to horsemanship lessons. Besides, yoga and horsemanship make a wonderful combination as we learn to control our own energies and how they affect the horse.
I like my students as well as their horses to build a level of confidence that inspires a willingness to experiment and create the unison that too many of us write off as a childhood dream.
I would like to see more people having fun with their horse rather than the constant struggle that is so
prevalent in the horse world. Not everyone is necessarily afraid of horses (although this is often the case) but perhaps frustrated at not being able to achieve the desired results. Whether you ride to get a job done, to compete or for pleasure the experience should be, and can be an enjoyable one. Consider that an unpleasant experience for you is most
definitely equally unpleasant for the horse.
I grew up riding range and handling stock on horseback in the often rugged countryside of the Chilcotin.
After a colt starting clinic with Ray Hunt in 1995, I started several young horses at home. This was the official beginning of my educational journey in horsemanship.
Horses and stockwork were also a part of my travels abroad. These adventures not only increased my level of experience but also stretched my horizons.
Further Education
In 2001 I took part in a Parelli clinic; I was impressed by the system and took this opportunity to further my horsemanship. After working diligently at improving my skills at home for several months, I
traveled to Florida with a horse to take a 10 week Parelli horsemanship school there. I successfully completed an additional 10 week segment in Colorado. I then, returned to the Chilcotin with 20 weeks of solid horsemanship education to add to my previous experience.